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Pre-Kindergarten (4-Year-Olds)

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Pictured above: Miss Amanda's Pre-K class pauses while walking in from recess to watch the recycling truck at work. Miss Amanda asked the kiddos questions about what they thought the truck was doing and about the difference between recycling and trash.

Welcome to Pre-Kindergarten at Hamline Elementary. We offer two full day Pre-K classrooms with a maximum of 20 students per class. We provide a warm, nurturing, collaborative environment which helps foster the development and potential of each child. Our students learn through active play, as well as small group and whole group experiences. Our curriculum, "Discovering Our World," was written by St. Paul Public Schools Pre-K teachers, coaches, parent educators and administrators.

First page of the PDF file: HEPreKSchedule2021-11

About Hamline Pre-K Teachers