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Pictured: Fifth graders watch as Mr. Gjerde places a book onto a toothpick bridge. Students worked in teams to design and build these bridges as a project, and families were invited into the celebration. During the celebration, Mr. Gjerde counted how many books each bridge would support until it collapsed. A great exercise in engineering, collaboration, and creativity.

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Hamline Elementary uses an Inquiry-based Model in all our classrooms.

Inquiry-based learning:

  • Supports our student competencies of Collaborators, Communicators, Creators, Critical Thinkers, and Self & Community Aware
  • Is a culturally-responsive approach that allows space for student ideas, cultures, and capabilities and connects learning to students’ lives
  • Builds upon students’ strengths and interests to increase student engagement
  • Builds student ownership by shifting the teacher-learner dynamic to being co-creators in the learning space
  • Encourages students to wonder and direct their own learning by asking questions, investigating, and collaborating to make meaning